Baroque Recorder (Flute) and Middle Eastern/Persian Music

Most kids start their Musical journey by playing the Recorder. Most people believe the recorder is for kids and is a toy instrument. However, this relatively cheap and light, nowadays mainly made out of plastic, has been one of the main professional instruments of Baroque music ara and orchestras.

At the same time, the Baroque Recorder hole’s structure is such that it is easy to make semitones or quartertones with it. These tones are essential for playing middle eastern music and Persian music on the recorder. In the below video I will be explaining more about the recorder and its capabilities.

I made this video to give my Recorder lesson students more information and clear some false beliefs.

Also next to it find a nice Recorder concerto composed by Vivaldi (Flautino Concerto in C Major) staring Lucie Horsch.

New Recorder class on Thursdays 4pm PSTAlso if you can not make that time let me know to place you on the waiting list for my future classes. www.amirschoolo...

Vivaldis Flautino Concerto in C Major RV 443 Lucie Horsch


Practicing Music and it Effects


Daf, Spirituality and Peace